Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gluten-free Homemade Meatballs

   When I announced to the family my intent on making spaghetti for supper, my brother timidly requested meatballs be made to go with it. I've never made meatballs in my life(not being a huge meat fan), but determinedly Googled for a recipe. Google is my favorite way to find new recipes! I found many, of course, and clicked on the first.

   My Mama, brother and I visited an irodologist about a month and a half or so ago and she put us on a NO dairy, gluten, wheat-free diet. The first month, we were right on top of it, as best we can in a small town. Mama and I have been fudging a bit, with the holidays and all, me being the worst. My brother is the one who reminds us if we are eating something out of line! He's so good when it comes to only eating what's "OK".

   Back to the meatballs,
  The ingredients included minced onions, minced garlic, shredded carrot, ground turkey, ketchup, molasses, vinegar, parsley, oatmeal, cinnamon, salt, and olive oil(for hands for shaping into balls). I forgot to add the carrot before the pic was taken. :-)
Here I am mixing with my hands, the way Mama does her meatloaf.
It's a Meatball!
Here are all my little masterpieces ready to bake in a 350* F oven for 15 mins.

While they were baking, I got the spaghetti sauce marryin' and the gluten-free noodles cookin'.

The end result:
The family liked them(no, I didn't try one). My brother said he'd almost prefer them by themselves, said they kinda lost their flavor with the sauce. I guess I can make them again sometime.

My very first post!

It makes me stop and think just how many others out there have typed the very same title I just did....
First off, I'd like to thank God for this wonderful opportunity to share my passions, aspirations, goals, dreams and the journey that I'm about to embark upon with all of you! Also, I'd like to thank four other blogger ladies, with whom I feel we share a lot in common, for inspiring me these past months with their wonderful talents, desire to serve our Heavenly Father to their best ability, and the way they view life in general- a BIG THANK YOU!!!

   My main reasons for starting a blog are as follows:

1) to grow closer to my Lord and Savior through fellowship and encouragement

2) to record my numerous projects and share them

3) to meet others who share the same passions as I do

4) and so many other reasons I can't name them all!

I should like to thank God for all of you, with whom I shall soon be friends, and I should like to thank my soon-to-be friends, ahead of time, for your wonderful support, encouragement, meaningful posts and beautiful personalities! I Love you and my God always Bless and keep you!